Sunday, June 8, 2008

Broken Hiill to Broken Hill - 8th June 2008

Aaahhh....the rain goes on. We arrived in Broken Hill on Friday to find out that they had had 58mm of rain in the early hours (the highest rainfall on record!!!!). We curiously looked  at all the water lying on the roadside and hoped there was not more to come. The Silverton camp ground served as our home for two nights, where we were able to dry out our camper and check out a few of the sites. Got some photos of Max in front of the fake replica MAD MAX machine  at the Silverton Hotel.... (I hope he looks mad enough!) Saturday we educated ourselves in the mining processes of the Hill and viewed a huge collection of historic photos at a local exhibition. Really Interesting.
Last night Ella gave us a tolerance lesson after waking at 11pm, vomiting all over herself due to a water drinking attempt gone wrong. Aaaahh...quick dash to the dodgy shower block and at least Ella's pajamas were clean. I can not speak for anything else. Her hair had to stay unwashed due to the late (cold) hour and of course her blankey (code pet name) who received the full brunt of the assault could not be duplicated by a poor imitation. She would not hear of it! So Max and I had to tolerate not only a small baby with a spewy aroma but a slightly creepy, damp blanket that was cuddled and held close......ewwwwww.
So now we are holed up at Broken Hill due to road closures that prevent us from heading north to Camerons Corner. We packed up keenly this morning only to be stopped abruptly by the news that nearly all roads around Broken Hill are closed. We are determined to head north and get in close to the dog fence, so we will wait the rain out and see if they open tomorrow. Wish us luck......xx

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